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Changing from Celsius to Fahrenheit Px6
Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 11:12 am
by Longball834
Just installed the 12.1"
px6 in my 2012 mustang yesterday. I have most things up and running bu I can't find an adjustment to change from Celsius to Fahrenheit in the settings. Anyone have ideas?
Re: Changing from Celsius to Fahrenheit Px6
Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 6:34 am
by RiverCake
Its a setting in User Settings, or the Install Set settings. It reads Temperature F or C - check the appropriate selection, save and reboot
Re: Changing from Celsius to Fahrenheit Px6
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 5:57 pm
by Mlrmorgan
Yeah don’t work! Even if your own
radio was set to Fahrenheit. They want you to take the
radio out and hook up the own one for some dumb reason! Piss poor application.
Re: Changing from Celsius to Fahrenheit Px6
Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 2:28 am
So when I switch From C to F in about 3 seconds it resets to C and my front speakers play in the rear and vice versa.
Re: Changing from Celsius to Fahrenheit Px6
Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 6:27 am
by dksob81
I am having this same issue with mine. I can set it to F and it will be fine for 3-5 seconds and switch back to C. If I switch it to F and Save/Reboot when it reboots it will be back to C again.... Did you get this resolved?
Re: Changing from Celsius to Fahrenheit Px6
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 6:36 am
by wiffmajig
I had the same issue, made an appointment for tech support, they sent me a file and the below link for install instructions. All fixed now.
I am also including the Dropbox link they sent me for the file. Hope it works.
Btw..I have a 2014 Ram, not sure if the file is specific to the vehicle or not. ... tracking=1
Re: Changing from Celsius to Fahrenheit Px6
Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2022 3:56 pm
by Timothypl1
Curious what trim level you have? I want to try the file upload but I want make sure it’s for the right thing.
I just installed it in a 2016 Ram Laramie with auto A/C. The temperature for the climate control reads 32°C goes up to 40. Thats 95°F on the low end. Obviously wrong. . It is obviously not where it should be. Tech-support Told me that the engineer in China said since there was three different units of measurement on the ram that it couldn’t be changed. I find that hard to believe.
Everything else works great. One of their videos said you had to plug the factory unit back in, changeto Fahrenheit and then plug in the PX-6. did that and it didnt work.
Does anyone else have any thoughts or suggestions?